Reputable day nursery in Plymouth

Pathways Day Nursery is a small private day nursery bursting at the seams with fun and excitement. The nursery was established in 1989 and since 2001 it has been run 
by the manger with her team of dedicated staff.

A safe and caring environment for your children

Our nursery meets on the ground floor of an end terrace house in Peverell, an urban area of Plymouth surrounded by Central Park. The nursery has  interactive play spaces and an outdoor area. It is open 8 am – 5 pm all year 
closing for Christmas and bank holidays.
We cater for children from 18 months to five years. Caring for a maximum of 18 children per session. The environment is set up to be relaxed and homely. We understand that to a young child starting nursery can be a daunting experience, which is why we have created calm, natural and relaxed atmosphere. 
This can make the transition from home to preschool more reassuring and easier.

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Meeting your child's needs

Pathways Day Nursery has a consistent team of qualified staff who have been working together since 1991. Each child has a key person whom they can develop closeness with; we feel this helps the child to feel secure and settled. Each child holds a unique personality having different needs and expectations. As qualified staff and being parents ourselves, we are able to cater for each individual child's needs supporting children's self-esteem and confidence.
Learning Through Play
a kid and and man icon

Enjoy and Achieve - Our Mission Statement

Children look upon the staff as positive role models. You will notice during your time at the nursery that the staff are down at the child's level interacting with them and having fun. Nursery life is about being able to learn whilst having fun, therefore during our sessions children are encouraged to make choices and carry out activities independently, helping them to build self-esteem and confidence to try out something new.
Settling in Prospectus

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